
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Who wears short shorts?

Dear young "ladies"...
When the insides of your front pockets hang below the length of your shorts...
They're too short.
When they sit so low on your hips...
That you need a wax...
They're too low.
When your "cheeks" are hanging out the back...
They're too short.
When you have "half" a shirt on...
It's not attractive.

Guess what...
Most guys would tell you that leaving a little to the imagination is a GOOD thing.
The picture above, when I surveyed most people...was found to be "unattractive", "unsuitable", "trashy", "skanky", and "immodest".

Think it's "hot"..."sexy"...think again.

You can be just as stylish and attractive leaving a little to the imagination.
Modesty is not a bad thing.

There are so many cute and stylish ways to be modest.
I have discovered an awesome blog called The Bee's Knees.
It's all about fashion, beauty, etc.
Check it out.
The author always looks amazing.
Her hair, make-up, and clothing are in such good taste and so chic!
This is a prime example of good taste, yet so fashion forward!

I saw so many young ladies while I was on vacation this week with outfits like the photo I pictured at top.
Honestly girls...less is NOT more.
Don't give it away.

This is not coming from some "old", "fuddy-duddy" lady.
I love fashion, beauty, etc.
And it's just so much more attractive when we use a little modesty.
Again, check out the above blog and see what ya think.
Melissa never fails to disappoint!

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