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Mom, cousin Tiffany, and me. |
I can't believe I didn't write one post during the month of July. That can only mean one thing...either I'm TOO OVERLY busy...or...NOTHING AT ALL is happening.
I think it is the first. Too much going on.
I will warn you...these events are COMPLETELY out of order because I posted the pictures backwards, LOL!
Last weekend, my cousin Tiffany and her family came up to Michigan from Illinois to visit. On Saturday my sis invite my family and my parents up for a cookout so we could all visit and catch up.
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Logan, Raegan, and Ben |
We had a fabulous time. We had burgers and dogs, fresh veggies, watermelon, chips, and dip. We all chatted and the kids played and then we took them down to the subdivision's pool later for a dip.
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Me and Jess. |
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Raegan, my niece, with her "name cookie" that I baked. |
For dessert, my sister had butterscotch chewies, strawberry rhubarb crisp, ice cream, monster cookies...and then I brought along some of my decorated sugar cookies.
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Summer Lovin' cookies! |
I went with a summer theme for this platter and made one with everyone's name as well.
You can check out all of my creations on my baking blog here:
My flowers and patriotic decor |
Like I said, this post is out of order...forgive!
This year instead of planting my old stand-by (petunias)...I went with geraniums and dusty miller. They have done really well, even though we haven't had much rain. I've been consistently watering them daily, but they seem to be more forgiving than petunias if I miss a day. This was the first July 4th in YEARS, that we haven't spent the week at Mackinac Island. Due to hubby and Evan's work schedules, we had to take a June trip instead of a July trip (BUT WE'RE GOING BACK IN AUGUST!). Anywho...I put out some patriotic decor since we were home this year. Some little flags and red/white/blue hearts in the window box.
My garden flag and more flowers! |
Oh! I also got marigolds! I almost forgot. They are doing exceptionally well too!
I put two pots of those on each side of the garage.
The deck |
Last year, we had to have all of the wood trim replaced around the sides of our garage. That is where I had my bracket/holder for my flag. Well, we had to take it down during the construction...and...it never got put back up. Soooo...I now hang my American flag as a banner on the deck during the patriotic holidays. I added some red/white/blue bows as well.
The front porch |
My hydrangea bush seems to be struggling each year. A big threatening "weed" or "growth" of some kind took root in there and it is THICK. I think it may be threatening my poor little hydrangea. It is too thick to pull out, so I have cut it down to the ground, but it still grows back. The hydrangeas have been holding their own though and blooming beautifully each year. I got it as a tiny little plant and now it's quite large!
Some of you may remember me sharing, I was born in Tennessee, but grew up in Illinois before moving to Michigan at age 12. When I lived in Illinois, we lived just the other side of the river from St. Louis...so we were always Cardinal fans growing up. (I've since been converted to a Detroit Tiger fan by my hubby, hehe!) But anyway, my parents were headed back "home" for a family reunion and my aunt asked if I'd make her some cookies (what I do in my "free" time, lol). These were a fun set to make and I think they enjoyed them. They are buttery vanilla almond with royal icing.
Ever since I got my fireplace for Christmas last year, I've enjoyed decorating it for all the holidays and seasons. After July 4th, I didn't really have a season/holiday to go with. So I did a "Pure Michigan" theme!
Smitten With The Mitten |
Home |
Well...after many years...I finally retired "Rex". "Rex" was my old cell phone. The boys called it Rex (as in T-Rex) because it was as "old as a dinosaur" they told me. I am a "little" late to the party, but I finally got a smart phone. WOW. Am I ever having fun, LOL!
And I am in love with my girly little case! Ha!
Each month when I decorate my mantel, I try to coordinate my hallway chalkboard. Thus...the "Smitten With The Mitten" (Pure Michigan) chalkboard!
I am still plugging away at school!
I am almost done with my third term at WGU which will put me just over half way done with my degree! If there is one thing I can instill in my sons, it's to FINISH COLLEGE immediately after high school. I am proud of what I am doing in showing them that it's important to finish what you start and that anything is possible! But I want them to know how important it is for them to do it right when they finish high school. They see how hard it is for me now...working 55+ hours a week with my daycare business, running my part-time baking business, raising a family...PLUS going to school full time! But I'm going to show them! Dreams come true when you work hard! I know that the day I get my diploma not only will I be excited...but I'm pretty sure I will cry...tears of joy, pure exhaustion, and gratitude.
Well...I think that catches us up 'til now!
We have one more trip to Mackinac we're taking. I'll be sure to post pics of that when we get back. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!
God bless!