
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cliques, groups, and labels...

We've all been there ourself as teens...
But then we get to go there again when we have our own children.
Good or bad...
There really is no "good" to cliques, groups, and labels.
The "good" refers to the group of kids who are popular, pretty, handsome, athletic, and have a social life non-stop.
They don't see it...their parents don't see it.
I can't say that my kids have been affected by groups and/or cliques in a negative way...yet.
But as a parent, I'm starting to see the cliques, groups, and labels as my oldest son gets older.
The funny thing is...
We've lived in this neighborhood for over 10 years now.
All these kids started kindergarten together. They all played together.
They continued elementary school together...and all was fine.
They all were "a part" of each other's circle.
And although my son has loads of friends at school and church and could care less about "social labels"...
I myself am starting to see the groups form.
These kids were all born the same year. them?
But I am already seeing it just from who and where they hang, their facebook pages, etc.
The pretty popular girls hang with the pretty popular girls...who in turn hang with the handsome athletic guys.
The awkward gangly guys hang with the awkward gangly guys...who in turn hang with the girls who may be shy, less social, etc.
And I have to say...
As I said before, Evan could really care less about "groups". He has close, trust-worthy friends and is secure in himself.
I have to thing I REALLY admire about Evan is...he doesn't care how people dress. He doesn't care what kind of house people live in. He doesn't care what they look like or how they act or what type of "class" they fall in.
I really admire that about him.
He has such a broad spectrum of friends and I am so proud of that!
It really makes me proud that "things", "class", "income", etc. don't bother him at all.
He is such a "go with the flow" kid...he's so laid back...he's kind to everyone.
I admire him so much.
He never speaks bad of anyone.
I seriously have never heard him say anything negative about anyone at his school, in our neighborhood, at church, etc.
I really admire and look up to him.
He sets such a great example...even for myself.
So as I sit here stewing about the stupid classifications of all the groups of kids in their school...
He sits there just being kind to everyone, never uttering a negative word.
I am so proud of you Evan.
I look up to you in that respect.
You are such a good kid and have such a great head on your shoulders.
You TRULY know what matters.

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