
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I will never be...Nor will I ever pretend to be...

I will never be...
Nor will I ever pretend to be...

I like to think of myself as the perfect mom, the perfect wife, the perfect friend, the perfect homemaker, the perfect "super-couponer", the perfect gardener, and so on.

But let's face it.
Who are we kidding?

I'm not...
I will never be...
Nor will I ever pretend to be...

The perfect mom.
I yell at my kids.
I forget to be patient.
I don't always use my "inside voice".
I make mistakes and have to appologize to them.

The perfect housekeeper.
There's dust everywhere.
The floors need to be swept and mopped.
The dishwasher needs loading.
The clothes need washing.
The baseboards need scrubbing.
The bathrooms need cleaning.
There is "clutter" everywhere.
I'm not good at cleaning, I never have been, and I never will be.

The perfect wife.
As much as I love and adore my husband...
I know there are times I take him for granted.
Don't tell him enough how much I love him.
Gripe about things.
He's the best...and sometimes I wonder why & how I got so blessed to have him.

The best cook.
I burn things.
Undercook things.
Use box mixes.
Canned goods.
I'm all about quick, easy & cheap.
Yes, I want relatively healthy meals for my family.
But I will never go "organic".
I will never be a "health nut".
Burgers, pizzas, tacos, french fries, you name it...we love it.
And while the rest of the world is fighting "childhood obesity", I am still trying to PUT WEIGHT ON my little stringbean sons, LOL!

The "green" mom.
I will never be green.
I love plastic, paper, you name it.
I will do my part if it's convenient.
I take my pop cans back (HEY I WANT MY DEPOSIT BACK!).
I have finally bought half a dozen reusable grocery bags...only because I have no more room to store all my plastics, LOL! But I do reuse my plastic bags as garbage can liners, LOL!
I'm not there yet.
I'm not PAYING extra on my garbage bill for recycling.
Maybe if it were included in my monthly bill, I "might" consider it.
I love my planet...and I won't go out of my way to destroy it...but let's face it...I think it was only meant to last so long. (We'll all be outta here soon! Can we say rapture?)

Yes...I try.
I honestly WANT to be that perfect mom, wife, friend, housekeeper, gardener, cook, etc.
I'm not perfect.
I'm human.
And let's face it...
Life's too short to sweat the small things!

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