
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tulip Time Part 2...VolksParade

Wednesday was the VolksParade.
The kids all had half days of school on Wednesday and Thursday for Tulip Time.
Evan marched in all three parades...
The VolksParade
The KinderParade
The MuziekParade.
They start the VolksParade with the traditional "street scrubbing" with everyone wearing traditional Dutch costume.

Mom and dad came up for the day to see Evan march in the parade and then to see Nate's ballgame that night. 
Smile dad!

Both Wednesday and Thursday were unseasonably hot for May.
And that led to a bit of "whining" from Nate, LOL.
Geeg teased him and said he's now referred to as...
"Diary Of A Whiney Kid".

I always love the colorful flags at the beginning.

The governor of Michigan...Rick Snyder.

Zeeland's Cityside Marching Band.
Mr. Good does such an awesome job with our middle school kids.
I personally think the middle school has always sounded as good (or better) than our high school!

Some of the floats...

More floats...

And a few more...

And the reason we go to the parades...
Zeeland High School Marching Band.
Evan is still playing his trumpet.
We're very proud of him.

Here they come!

I see Evan back there!

There he is!
Do you see him?

Cool Ronald McDonald entertained the crowds as well.

Hudsonville Dairy.
These guys are so cool.
They dance choreographed little routines in the streets, playing their spoons and scoops.
Doing "Sound Off" rhymes.
It's pretty neat.

Cityside's 7th grade band.
They are pretty great too!

More floats.

I loved the bear on this float.
He talked and growled about Tulip Time.
He was pretty cute.

The End!
We couldn't have asked for better weather...
Maybe a little cooler!
But hey, we'll take it!
Happy Tulip Time!

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