
Thursday, January 24, 2013

My children are examples to me...

You see it all over Facebook.
Parents status updates...
"Johnny got all As on his report card."
"Suzy is in all advanced placement classes."
"Tommy was MVP on his team."
"Mary was in the newspaper for first place on her poem."

While this is all good...
And we have every right as parents to be proud...

I am more pleased at the "inside" actions and the "person" my children are becoming.
They are not perfect.
But I see the young men they are becoming and I admire them.
In fact, I told my older son, I aim to be more like HIM.

They respect their elders.
They are kind, compassionate, caring.
They are good with children and animals.
They aren't judgmental.
They have a VERY diverse group of friends from a variety of ethnic groups, economic backgrounds, etc.
They don't talk bad about people.
They are Christ-followers.

These are the things I'm pleased with. 

Yes, they get good grades and do well in school.
Yes, they are talented (both play in the band).
Yes, they each have unique interests.

But those aren't the things that MATTER in the long-run.
Their hearts are in the right place.
And I am so thankful that God has guided me as their mom in their upbringing.

Not saying our journey is perfect or over.
But I'm so pleased with the way it's going right now.
I can only ask God to continue to be with us as we continue to lead them on the path to adulthood.

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