Another successful Tulip Time Festival has come and gone.
2013 was a hit.
I have to say, as beautiful as the tulips are, my favorite part is the parades.
We went to all three, as usual, since Evan marches with the ZHS Marching Band...gotta support my babe!
This is Nate and me at the VolksParade. It was SOOOOO hot!
Wednesday and Thursday were the VolksParade and the KinderParade.
Both days were absolutely scorching for Michigan springtime.
We were absolutely sweating!
Of course we had to enjoy some festival food.
Wednesday we got a funnel cake and elephant ear to share.
And we picked up a corndog and homemade chips for Evan to enjoy after marching.
There's my Evan...see him?
There he goes!
Saturday is the BIG PARADE...the MuziekParade.
And the weather had taken a turn for the worse.
The temps on Wed/Thur were in the low 80s.
By Saturday, the windchill was in the low 30s (33 to be exact).
A 50 degree temperature swing is pretty drastic to the body!
Not to mention, it was cloudy, RAINING, and HUGE wind-gusts!
It was pretty miserable.
We stuck it out!
Had to see my babe march!
There he is!
We hadn't planned to buy anything, but we got some fresh cut french fries to keep us warm.
And a bag of cotton candy to go for Evan.
I didn't take many pictures of the tulips or floats this year.
Because, you know, for's all about the bands...
Zeeland High School Marching Band! luck would have it...
We (ZHS Marching Band) WON the "Text To Vote" People's Choice Award for bands!
Congrats ZHS!
Mother's Day sneaked up on me this year!
Maybe it was the weather.
It didn't feel like spring.
I was looking at pictures from last year's Mother's Day and my boys had on shorts and I had on a skirt with bare legs and sandals with a short sleeve blouse!
This year, the boys are wearing jeans (and jackets when we went out) and I had on jeans, sweater, and boots!
Brrrr...we had a chilly stretch mid-May!
And to end this post...
Just a few random shots of my favorite boys...
...and cat...hehe!
Ev holding Oreo.
Hope you're having a super spring!
Looks like the warm weather is headed back our way this weekend!
Enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading!
Until next time...
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