
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Celebrate your "NOW"!

Middle age...

I recently read a story that a friend shared on Facebook.
It was a blog post someone wrote about that "middle" phase of life.
It got me to thinking...

Many people dread this stage of life.
They look at it with sadness.

Many are sad they can no longer have babies.
Many are sad they don't have young children anymore.
Many are sad the "nest is emptying".

True enough...
I have no cute baby photos to post anymore.
I have no silly toddler stories to share.
I'm not included in the latest "mommy conversation" about field trips, remedies for fevers, or cool toys.
{My Evan}

{My Nate}

What I do have is...
Some awesome pictures of my teenagers...
Receiving awards, graduating, parties, and more!

{Evan's high school graduation}

{Nate's Champion Chix Award}

I am excited.
I always have been.
I have never been the mom to say, "Oh, I miss the baby stage." or "I wish I could keep them little forever."
I enjoy every milestone and celebrate it!
From infancy to's amazing!

No way.
When we travel now, we don't have to plan our daily routine around naps, feedings, and bedtime.
Date night?  No problem.  The kids are old enough to stay home alone!
It's liberating, LOL!

Raising a family brings growth and change.
Change not only in your children but in YOUR life!
Embrace it!
Try something new!
A hobby, traveling, a career!
I am going back to school after 23 years and getting my teaching degree!
If all goes according to plan, I'll graduate college the same year my oldest son does!
I'll be starting a new career as my youngest son ends his high school career and begins college!

Scary?  A little.
Exciting?  YOU BET!

Will I miss my kids when they move out on their own and start careers and families?
That will be hard for me.
But that just means the next stage of life...daughter-in-laws and grandbabies!

Live your life celebrating your NOW...not wishing for your past.
Make plans and...


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