
Thursday, October 14, 2010

I forgot about the flowers!

I totally forgot to share and post about the kids' flowers when I shared the Homecoming post!
So here they are!
This is Emma's wrist corsage.
It was quite an ordeal trying to figure out "exactly" what "fuschia" means to different people, LOL!
I told the florist "fuschia" and she asked "hot pink"?
And I said, "Well, she said I'm not really sure what that means..."
You ask one person...they're interpretation may be more "purple-ish" ask another person and they may think more "hot pink".

As you can see from the picture...the florist obviously was thinking "hot pink".
Emma's dress turned out to be more "purple-ish".
But's all good.
She looked beautiful no matter what color the flowers turned out!
And she got Evan a boutonniere.
I thought it was really nice.
The funny thing is...

Homecoming was last Saturday...
That's almost  a full week ago...
And I put it in a little plastic sandwich bag when he came home and stuck it in the frig...
And to this day...
It looks as fresh as the day he got it!
I pull it out and sniff it each day because I love the smell of carnations!
So anyway...
That was their flowers!
Can't believe I forgot to share those!

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