My husband is so naughty!
I can't stop laughing!
We had our windows open tonight.
And all of a sudden he hears, "Olsen!" "Olsen!" "Olsen!"
(shake shake shake...treat box being shaken)
This went on and on.
Jamie turned out the light and leaned out the window and went "Meowwwwww".
And the guy with the flashlight and the treats came back out.
"Olsen!" "Olsen!" "Olsen!"
Now let me remind you...Olsen is a barn cat and can take care of himself...but I assume his "owner" wanted to put him in the barn for the night.
So after the second time "calling"...Jamie moved to another window and let's out a "Meowwwww".
Oh my gosh.
This went on and on.
He'd meow.
The guy with the flashlight would start searching again.
Jamie would move back and forth from different window to different window.
Now mind you...we are cat LOVERS!
We meant no harm...the only thing is...these people also have DOGS.
Dogs whom they let POOP IN OUR YARD.
So...Jamie felt no regret in "playing" with this fella.
I'm was just down right hilarious.
The guy would call...
And Jamie would meow.
The guy DID finally get Olsen into the barn.
All ends well...but Jamie had a little fun "playing" with him.
He said, "Well, if he'd quit letting that stupid dog poop in our yard, maybe I wouldn't have been apt to tease him!"
I just could resist...I thought it was pretty funny.
Friday Finds: Spring Preview
4 days ago
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