
Monday, January 24, 2011

He must really love me...

Those who know my best...know...that I have ALWAYS hated my hair.
It is fine, straight as a bored, and won't grow.
I have tried over and over again growing it out.
I know my hubby loves long hair.
But once my hair gets to about shoulder length, it just really draws out my face and accentuates how long and narrow my face and neck are.  My eyes tend to look a little sunken.
It's just not a good look for me.
Plus, my hair isn't thick and full.  It lacks volume.  And so long hair has never agreed with me.
Yet I try over and over again to grow it out.
Jamie doesn't believe me, but I do it for him.
I know he likes long hair.
But the other day, I just casually said how I have never gotten compliements on my hair EXCEPT for the two years I had it cut in an angled bob.  More people told me how cute it was, how good it looked, and how it suited my face just perfect!  It was wonderful to feel good about my hair.  It was easy to style, it looked fuller, and healthier than ever.
And so...
The other day, my dear, sweet hubby says to me, "Why don't you get your hair cut back in the angled bob?"
I said, "Because I'm trying to grow it out?"
He says, "Why?  How are you going to style it?"
"I don't know", I say.
"Well, don't you say you don't look good with long hair?  Don't you say you get lots of compliments with your angled bob?" he says to me.
"Yes", I say.
"Well then cut it", he says.
This photo was taken Christmas of 2009.
I am going back to this style.  Though the front length will be a little longer.
The longest length in the front will be more chin length and then I'm going with the dramatic angle and stacked with lots of layers in back.

Victoria Beckham started it.
I tried it.
It worked.
It is the only style I've ever had, that I get complimented on.
And that's not WHY I'm doing it.
But that lets me know, that it looks good on me.
It lookd fuller, healthier, and has more volume.
Our salon is having a sale next month.
So I'm waiting till then.
And back I'll go...
With picture in hand.
And coming home...
Feeling good again!

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