Last year Evan took a date to Homecoming.
This year he wasn't even sure if he was going until the last minute.
I don't know...maybe it's a guy thing.
All I know, is being a girl...I counted the days until Homecoming!
It was a big deal to shop for a dress, get your accessories, hair and make-up just right, LOL!
It was a BIG deal!
But I don't get these boys, LOL!
He did finally decide to go.
He went with a big group of friends.
But it just so happened NONE of his GUY friends ended up going!
Well, that didn't stop my guy.
He went anyway.
Went for pictures, dinner, and the dance with these nine lovely ladies.
I am glad that my kids have such a wide range of friends.
I look at kids today and I see so much of the same thing.
All the popular kids hang with the popular kids.
All the athletic kids hang with the athletic kids.
All the rich kids hang with the rich kids.
Not my boys.
They've got friends from every background.
Friends from upper-middle class backgrounds, friends who struggle to make ends meet...friends who are girls, friends who are boys...friends who are athletes, friends who are not...friends who are popular, friends who are not.
It really makes me proud that my boys care more about what's on the INSIDE of a person rather than the outside. They don't care about looks, money, athleticism, etc.
I am proud of the choices they've made thus far.
They have such good groups of friends.
Respectful, kind, good kids.
Have I mentioned how proud I am of my boys?
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