
Monday, May 11, 2009

Girls Day Out

On Saturday, Jess, mom, and I went out for a "Girls Day Out". First we went for pedicures. We had a blast. I had never had one and let me say it was worth every penny. We went to a cosmetology school where the supervised students worked on us. I got french tips and she even put a little pink/glittery swirl on (very girly!) for free! BONUS! So cute!
Then we went to the Grand Traverse Pie Company for lunch (I think that's what it was called). It was very yummy. Then we went shopping. Got some awesome deals at the mall in Charlotte Ruse. I got five new tops! Very cute!
Then we headed over to Target to browse around and stopped off at Starbucks for an iced coffee.
Then Jess introduced me to the world of thrift shops. I had never shopped them because I always kindof had "thing" about them...kinda thought it was "icky". But they had some really cute clothes! Name brands too! I think I may be adding thrift stores to my shopping excursions! We had a a really nice day out. Needs to DEFINITELY be done more often! LOL!

1 comment:

  1. O , I need a pedicure so badly.. you make me want to go right out and get some pretty pink swirls...hehe.. I can't wait until me Chloe is old enough to do things like this with me...your BLOG is so much fun!!
    Look me up! I am SmurfKitty on CM!! Fancy meeting you here...MEOW
