
Thursday, January 6, 2011

I want to...

Things I want to do...

-Take violin lessons.

-Finish my next few cake decorating classes...get really good at it...and...

-Quit my current job and open a bakery/sweet shop making beautiful cakes, cupcakes, and cookies all day long!

-Have a professional photo shoot done in EACH SEASON of the year of my family.

-Jump in a public fountain and splash around!

-Put a leash on my cat and take him for walks outdoors...though I think he might freak out.

-Eat at a new restaurant once a week...somewhere I've never heard of.

-Have my eyebrows professionally shaped...I don't really think they need waxing because they're so sparse...but professionally shaped would be nice.

-Hire a professional on one...and get in INCREDIBLE shape!

-Dare to wear things I've never ventured wearing...things that make me step out of my comfort zone.

-Have a professional show me how to do my make-up.

-Have Lasik eye surgery...though I'm terrified.

-Tell people how I feel.

-Keep my fingernails and toenails painted 24/7.

-Have extensions put in my hair...because let's face it people...though I try and try to let it will never be long and beautiful.

-Have my hair chopped back into an angled bob...everyone loved it...I loved was quick...easy...and cute.

-Light candles every night.

-Catch up all my scrapbooks.

-Knit more.

-Turn my huge yard into something beautiful...complete with gazebo, hammock, bubbling fountain, too many flowers to count, little rock paths, lazy swing, new deck, picket fence...and more!

-Take dance lessons...all kinds!


-Run a race...and then keep running more!

-Volunteer at the humane society.

I've got more...but I'll save those for another day.
What do you want to do?
For real and silly?

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