
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh! Forgive my "mother's intuition"...I guess I don't know anything!

I swear...
I am really getting sick of it!
I guess we as parents don't know anything about how to raise our children.
Of course, we all need the occasional guidance of a doctor, pastor, teacher...
But seriously...
If one more person tells me how I should be raising my child, I think I may blow a gasket!
"I" am my children's mother!
I THINK I know how to take care of them!
I THINK they are turning out pretty well!
Sick to death of everyone telling us as parents how everything we do, is bad for our kids.
Sugar is bad for them...we're contributing to obesity.
(Excuse the fact that our dr. just recommended a higher calorie diet to put weight ON my two boys!)
TV is bad for them.
(Never mind that combined with mine and my husband's teaching, they have learned nearly all their preschool skills, various words in other languages, history, animal facts, and more.)
Computers are bad.
(Well how come nearly ALL of my son's textbooks are online and all of his homework has to be completed on the computer...and to top it off, they're giving the kids iPads next fall!)
Just a few examples.
You know, maybe I should just relinquish my parental rights over to the experts and the government! 
They seem to have all the answers, eh?
Quit telling us how to raise our kids!
Granted there are some bad parents out there.
MORE than "some" in my opinion.
But that doesn't mean the schools, experts, and government need to tell us what to feed our kids, how much exercise they need, how much video game time they should have, how much tv they should watch!
If I wanted to know...I'D ASK!
I'm a big girl!
I ask questions when I want to know.
Just ask my husband...
The thing is...they want to take away everything that the "experts" grew up with.
We all ate candy and potato chips.
We all watched tv.
On and on.
Don't take the fun out of being a child.
Grow up...learn how to parent.
Think for yourself.
We don't need "people" telling us how to parent our children.
Healthy food, moderate exercise, fresh air, good morals and work ethic, treating people with respect, kindness and love, generosity and friendship...
And God's Word.
That's all we need, thank-you very much!

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