As I have shared with many of you, Evan was diagnosed with scoliosis about two years ago at a routine sports physical exam at school. We were referred to our family doctor to have her check it out and see what action should be taken.
During our time with her, we spent nearly two years "keeping an eye on it". She took a "wait and see" approach. I explained to her that I wore a brace for two years for scoliosis and kyphosis. I explained to her that my dad has scoliosis so severe that it is now debilitating and they are considering surgery on him in his 60s. "No"...she told me..."We don't take drastic measures as quickly. We will watch him and see how he does. I don't expect it to worsen, he's almost done growing."
Now I knew, that at 14, my son was not "almost done growing". He's a boy. He has lots more growing to go.
When we first went to our family doctor for x-rays, he was at a 15 degree curve...manageable...which is why I didn't fight her too much. Fast-forward nearly two years later, she tells me he has slowly moved to a 29 degree curve.
She wants to refer him to an orthopedist. After she "watched and waited" two years while his back slowly got worse and worse.
Five months ago, we had our first appointment with the ortho. By now, his curve had moved to 31 degrees!!! (No, he's not growing at all...SERIOUSLY DOCTOR?!?)
My husband all but begged the ortho to take treatment measures. He explained my condition, my dad's condition and how it runs in my family.
"No"...he said..."He's on his fourth growth plate, he won't be growing any more. There's no need to brace him, it won't get any worse."
This week we had our 5 month follow-up. Evan is now at a 36 degree curve!!!
IRATE! That is what we are.
My husband asked the ortho to treat him 5 months ago. Now his back is 5 degrees worse.
He is at a 36. They consider surgery at 40.
Now the ortho suggests the Boston Brace.
I wore the Milwaukee Brace.
Both are restrictive plastic braces that limit movement and cause you to sweat like a pig. They rub sores on your skin. The put holes in your clothes. They cause muscle atrophy. And all you can HOPE for, is that your condition won't get worse. It NEVER gets better.
Two years of humiliation wearing these horrible awful appliances.
My husband and I decided this is not for our son. We came home and researched and studied all week.
We found a scoliosis clinic in Chicago that we are contacting that uses the SpineCor brace. This "soft" brace gives you full mobility, is not detectable under clothing, and not only keeps your condition from getting actually IMPROVES your curve!
There are testimonials on the second link that I am greatly encouraged by.
We are told that kids play sports in these...competitive cheer, gymnastics, everything.
The traditional can't even bend over in them. I know first hand.
We are so encouraged by all of the information we have found about this brace.
This clinic in Chicago also uses the Schroth Method of exercises that are developed for each case to help improve each person's condition.
These methods and treatments have been used in Canada and Europe for some time.
Why, I asked my husband, has the U.S. not been using these methods when they work so much better and actually IMPROVE scoliosis?
We found our answer last night.
Scoliosis surgery brings in YEARLY to the U.S. 10 BILLION DOLLARS!!!
And now we wonder why doctors are taking a "watch and wait" approach?
Things that make ya go hmmm...
Yeah...I think we know our answer now.
Well, I for one am not going to sit around and wait for my son's back to get any worse so they can cut him open and fillet him like a fish!!!
And if our insurance doesn't cover it, I will work my butt off for as long as it takes to pay for this treatment!!!
We are also looking into chiropractor treatment and medical massage therapy as well.
We will be speaking with the clinic in Chicago next week to see if our son will be a candidate for this type of brace.
I BEG YOU...if your child is EVER diagnosed with scoliosis...
DO NOT...I REPEAT DO NOT...take the "watch and wait" approach.
Find a different doctor if you have to.
It gets worse.
Don't let them play with your child's health.
Fight for your kids.
Research what is best for your children.
Will update as results become available...
Until next time...
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