Usually the storms they predict aren't near the hype they make them out to be.
This time, I'd say they were pretty right on par!
This top picture is taken from inside our garage where we measured 16 inches of fresh snow on top of what we already had.
Looking out into the yard.
My hubby snow-blowing the driveway.
Looking out to the parking area of the School Bus Depot. Nothing has been plowed. The only thing you can see is where a few pick-ups and SUVs have tried to drive through. If you were to deviate from those tire'd be done for!
We witnessed a couple cars attempt it this morning, both getting stuck.
Since then, no other "cars" have attempted getting out.
Even the pick-ups and SUVs are barely making it through.
My dedicated hubby out there plowing!
EVERYTHING is cancelled or closed.
Large corporations.
For the first time in the five years we've attended our church, they even cancelled tonight's activities!
You KNOW it must be bad!
There's Jamie in the far right corner plowing.
When he came in, his hood was FILLED with snow.
He took off his coat and snow dumped all over the rug in the entryway.
His coat, pants, hat, gloves, EVERYTHING was soaked!
One of my favorite pics.
The picture above is our front door this morning.
The snow was literally higher than the door and when I opened it, it was scraping snow back into the corner of the porch.
What a mess.
The picture above is out our front window.
The snow drifted all the way up to our window panes past the flower boxes.
You can see it's midway up the window.
One last picture of my hubby out there!
(far right corner)
I have not heard ANY plows as of yet and it's 1:09pm.
I am assuming they're tackling the highways and major roads first.
The back country roads and subdivisions are last on their list I'm sure.
So even if the snow stops...
If the buses can't get through tomorrow...
I'm wondering if we'll have another snow day until the plows catch up?
We shall see!
Stay warm and stay safe!
Don't go out unless absolutely necessary!
It's nasty!
Hugs from Michigan!