
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just keepin' it real...back to the positives...

I know my posts have been rather negative lately...
And I hate that...
But my blog is THE ONE place...
Where I come to "get it all out".
If you're here...
Then you're in for the "real deal" with me.
The good, bad, and the ugly.
My main goal when starting the blog was ONLY to share about our family's everyday adventures.
But as time went on...
I found this was the one place I could come when I was angry or upset.
Writing has always been an easier way of getting my emotions out, rather than talking.
I cry.
I write.
I feel better.
Not always.
But it helps to get it out.
Sometimes I can't say EXACTLY what I want to...
Because let's face it...
The blog is open to the world...
And I don't want the world knowing EXACTLY EVERTHING I'm dealing with...
Though I am pretty much an open book anyway, LOL!
So, in an attempt to get back to the positive today...
I wanted to share some more of the "simple", "everyday", "little" things that I'm grateful for with the Thanksgiving season upon us.

I'm thankful for...
Applebee's flavored lemonade
(strawberry, raspberry, kiwi, mango, wild berry)
Parmesan Garlic Cheez-Its
Mackinac Island
Great fitting jeans
(not that I have many)
Beautiful sweaters
Boot with heels
(yeah baby!)
My internet connection
My tv
My soft cozy bed
Holiday decorations
Fricano's Pizza
A safe neighborhood
Good schools for my kids

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