
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Savings for today...

I did my grocery shopping for the week today...and I have to say, although I spent more than I have in MONTHS since I've been couponing...I got A TON for my money and totally stocked up on some staples.
At Family Fare, I managed to snag more General Mills cereal for 99 cents a box. Got two boxes of Golden Grahams on sale for $1.49 each and I had a coupon for $1.00 off two...thus the 99 cents! I haven't (and won't) paid over a dollar for name brand cereal since I started couponing months ago. And we're talking NAME BRAND cereal.
They had Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls on sale for 99 cents and I had a coupon for 75 cents off three, thus taking them down to 74 cents a piece!
Suave Shampoo/conditioner was on sale for 99 cents and I have a coupon for $1.00 off two so I snagged those for 49 cents each.
Rice-A-Roni was on sale for 99 cents a box and I had a coupon for $1.00 off three so I got those for 66 cents a box.
My final tally there was:
I spent: $21.52
I saved: $26.28
At Meijer...I had a good trip as well!
Some of my highlights included...Sally Hansen nail polish. It was on sale for 40% off. I bought one regular $4.64...but paid $2.51 for it...used a 50 cent off coupon making it $2.01. Now along with that I paired a Buy 1, Get 1 Free coupon so I got another nail polish regular $4.19 for FREE. In all, I got $8.83 worth of nail polish for $2.01...or right around a dollar a piece! Very cool! Time for a mani/pedi!!!
One of the best deals was Downey...regular $4.49...on sale for $3.79...I had a $3.00 off catalina coupon making it 79 cents!!! Woohoo!!!
They had Ball Park Franks on sale for $1.25 a pack (which in itself is a good deal) but I had a $1.00 coupon off two making them 75 cents each!
Those were my top picks.
In all, my tally was:
Spent: $70.24
Saved: $59.68
As I said, this was one of my highest grocery bills in a LONG time...but I came home with a boat-load of staples!
Until next time...Happy couponing!

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