
Friday, July 17, 2009

This week at a glance...

Well, it's been a rather busy week.
Work is always busy.
Tuesday the boys both had doctor appointments. Nate weighed 68 pounds and was just under five feet tall. Dr. Hoekman told him he could stand to "put some meat on his bones"...LOL! She suggested we start buying whole milk again for him just to boost his caloric intake. He's just growing up so fast and is so active that he's having a hard time keeping up his weight. Jam and I got him some of those Carnation Instant Breakfast drinks as well since he loves chocolate milk and we're having him drink one of those WITH his breakfast to boost his calories too. He had asked me if he'd have to get any shots and I told him I thought he was all caught up. Turns out, they have added a second dost to the chicken pox shot and he never got when she told him he needed a booster, he looks at me like, "What the..." LOL!
Evan weighed 100 pounds even and is 5 feet 5 inches tall. She told him he could gain a few pounds too but she wasn't really as concerned with him because he's not as far "off" on the charts as Nate...he's keeping up fairly decent. He needed two his menengitis and tetanus shots. And she checked his back (his scoliosis)...which was the main reason for us going. She decided to have us do an x-ray that day at the office and is supposed to call us back once she does some checking on the current recommendations based on the degree of his curve. She told me that they are not jumping as quick with aggressive treatment because research has shown that many of the people that have worn braces, the braces have not really done much good for them anyway. So they are doing alot more monitoring before treatment based on the degree of the curve. So she's supposed to get back with us after she reads the x-rays. We appreciate all the prayers thus far and ask for continued prayers for him! Thank-you!
Tuesday was Oreo Flower's birthday! Or shall we say "Gotcha Day"...the day we "got" him. He is now four years old and it has been two years that he has been a part of our family. Nate made him a tiara and he had a special birthday feast (moist food).
This week I have been inspired in the kitchen. Having grown tired of making the "same old, same old" for dinners...I've been going through my Quick Cooking magazines and bookmarking all the best looking recipes. If you've read my previous posts, you'll see two of the recipes we tried this week. Both were quite tasty, but I have to say the Chicago Style Pan Pizza was our favorite. Honestly...I think it has been one of the best recipes I've ever made! I thought it was absolutely delicious!
Nate has been in another creative you can tell by the pictures...he made Oreo a sleeping bag today. He put a little blanket in there for him. Funny thing was, Oreo crawled right in and took a nap! LOL! That cat seems to love anything Nate makes for him! He STILL sleeps in the bed Nate made him over a year ago! LOL!
Had one mishap this week...I discovered the LCD screen of my camera was not Jamie examined it further, we discovered a crack along the whole front of the camera, looking as if it has been dropped. So far, no one has come forward. We have a case of the "not mes" and "ida knows". We can still take pictures through the view finder (the old fashion way) but I am hating it. Not being able to immediately see how your picture turned out is excruciating. I don't know how we survived all those years of "film cameras". Also, I can't delete because I can't see what I'm deleting. So, since it still takes pictures...we're using it. But we are keeping our eyes open for a great deal on cameras. This one is probably five years old or so and I've really put it through the ringer. So...until then...we're just dealing with it.
Well, tomorrow is Saturday and I'm looking forward to one of my favorite things...sleeping in.
Until next time...

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