
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How did this happen?

When did I get old enough to have a son starting high school in the fall?
Evan had high school visitation yesterday at
How can I be this old?
I remember being in high school!
Please tell me I don't look old enough for this momentous occasion!
When he was a baby...that's all I pictured...a baby.
I never thought about him growing up.
Truely...I never did.
I've pretty much taken one day at a time since he was born.
Never looked to the future.
But wow.
High school.
I'm so proud of him.
He's so awesome.
So smart (when he tries, LOL!).
So handsome.
So caring.
So talented.
I love him so much.
He informed us he wants to continue his Cross Country passion.
He signed up for that while he was there.
So I guess new running shoes are in order for the summer to practice in.
And we were also informed that the lunches there..."are so awesome". LOL!
Then there's Nate.

Seems he's been my little guy...
Feels like Evan's life is just whizzing by!
Nate...well...he's in third grade...still...LOL!
Just kidding.
I wouldn't rush it or trade it for the world, LOL!
I have so much fun with my Natee.
He lives to be outdoors.
He runs and plays.
He talks...and talks...and talks...and talks...
Till he wears us out.
He's my "momma's boy".
I am so happy.
So proud.
So incredibly in love with my boys.
And my man.
Whom I wouldn't be who I am today without.
(Thank-you Monica.)
I can't imagine my life with anyone else.
Through all the ups and downs...highs and lows...
We have stood strong as a family.

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