
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shh, confession...I have a little obsession...

No...these aren't my feet.
But I have a little confession.
I have this little obsession with feet.
I think it all started the day nearly twenty years ago in college, when my roommate said to me, "You have really cute feet. Not many people can say they have pretty feet."
At the time it totally struck me funny.
Gee thanks.
Of all the things a girl wants to be complimented on...
My feet?!?
Well...she got me thinking...
And looking...
My feet are decent looking, LOL!
I have this thing now.
I CAN NOT STAND feet that are not well manicured.
When I see women wearing sandals or flip flops and they have dirty feet, dry/cracked feet, unpolished toenails, or worse yet...chipped nail polish...
It's so vain!
Slap me!
And then...
This is really wrong of me...
People can't even help this part...
But when I see "funny" feet...
...Odd shaped feet...
Heaven help me...
Lord forgive me...
It just weirds me out!
I know that's terrible!
I'm awful!
But I just have this "THING"!
I'm just obsessed with pretty feet! LOL!
I know you can't help it if you have "funny" feet...
But for crying out loud...
Paint your toenails...wash your feet...put some lotion on them...
My husband thinks I'm nutty, LOL!
Maybe I am.
Heaven help me.
And mercy...maybe it's God's way of trying to "humble me" a little...
...Because I just discovered last year...
I have a very small bunion on the side of my foot!!!
It's UGLY!
Everyone tells me, "You can't even see it! I would've never known! Quit telling people!"
And sometimes if I wear my stilletos, high heel boots, or pointy toe sandals...
I guess that's what I get for being such a "FOOT SNOB"!
So anyway...
Now you know my secret.
I know people can't help it if they have "funny" feet...but just wash them, moisturize them, paint your nails, LOLOLOLOL!!!
Slap me now.

1 comment:

  1. I truly appreciate my feet. The things we take for granted are remarkable. My husband was burned up at the age of 8. His right foot was completely burned up. No toes left or a heel, the other foot burned also, but not nearly as bad. Lost his hearing almost completely thanks to the medicine that kept him alive. Thank you Lord for my hearing, thank you Lord for everything. I'm so blessed.
