
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's "MY" time...before I lose my mind...

I have been struggling a lot lately with burnout.
Mostly with the job I think...
But also just looking for fulfillment...
Wondering what my purpose is.
I just can't fathom...
Making it to my grave...
Cleaning up toys, wiping snotty noses, washing up finger paint, and changing dirty diapers.
I have been thinking and thinking and praying and praying and wondering what to do.
I can do a lot of things "OK"...
But I'm not "good" at any one thing.
So...after nothing came to
I came to the conclusion...
That if I'm not going to be able to change jobs...
At least for now...
Then I HAVE HAVE HAVE to do something for ME.

Just for fun.
Something I've always been wanting to do.
Three things that top my list...
1. Cake decorating
2. Photography
3. Violin lessons
So I am crossing number one off my list!
I called several hobby stores today and am going to sign up for cake decorating classes.
If it just turns out to be a hobby...nothing more than making cakes for family and friends...
So be it...
At least I have some kind of creative outlet.
If it turns into something more...
Possibly making cakes for money...
Even better.
At this point,
I am just excited about getting out of the house one night a week and learning something new.
My only fear is...
That I am such a perfectionist...

That it might stress me out even more than I am now! Eeek!
I am going to try my best not to.
I just want to have fun.
Practice makes perfect.
Live and learn.
I just have to remember...
This is for fun.
Anything else that comes from it...
Then that's just...
"Icing on the cake" pun intended, LOL...ok...well maybe a little pun intended, LOL!

1 comment:

  1. oooo....a Twilight cake someday Melly?? I ADORE that pic of Oreo in the box...too funny. Thought I should leave an official comment before I got cut from the list on here...:)
