
Friday, July 9, 2010

One good cry...

"No sense crying over spilled milk"...the saying goes.
But sometimes, it's the silliest or dumbest things that bring on our tears.
I tend to think that sometimes, we just have "a good cry" building up inside...and then something...anything...can set it off.
Doesn't have to be anything major...or horrible...or big.
Even the smallest of things can bring on a "sob-fest".

I had that happen last night.
If you read my post from our vacation the other day, you saw that I purchased a new ring.
It was nothing major.
Nothing expensive.
In fact, it only cost me $1.98!!!
But it was a very pretty pink, glass, hand-painted ring w/ little flowers on it.
It's chunky and funky...yet girly and delicate...
And most of all...

So last night...
We had gone out and run some errands...
Did some shopping at JCPenney, picked up pizzas, etc.
Came home, put things away, got the kids to bed, did some chores around the house.
And I started to get ready for bed.
When I started my routine...taking my rings off and laying them on the counter...
I first noticed.
My beautiful new pink ring was GONE.

When did this happen?

How did I not notice it!

It's so big and chunky and it sits right next to my mood ring that I bought on vacation as well.
Where had it gone?

I guess I had this big 'ol blubbering cry building...
Because here came the tears.

I got so upset.
I started looking everywhere.
In the car.
In the garbage.
In the hamper.
I knew it slipped off my finger somewhere...but where?!?!
I'm not a tiny person...but I'm a bit small-boned and I always have the hardest time finding rings that properly fit my fingers. They're always a bit on the big they twist and slide a lot.
So I just knew I lost it when we were out and about.
And that's what upset me the most.
I knew I was never getting it back.

Jamie was looking all over the house with me.
I said through my tears, "I know you think I'm being ridiculous, it's just a hunk of glass to you and it was less than $2.00, but I loved it."
"We can get you another when we go back", he said.
"It was the only pink one!" I reply.

I continue to tear up.
And I keep looking.
One last place to look...
I remember I folded some towels and put them in the closet.

I peek in and pull all the towels out.
Sure enough!!!
In the back of the closet corner lays my ring!

"My ring!" I exclaim as I hear it rattle when I move the towels.

I thank Jam for helping me look and appologize for being such a stupid blubbering fool.

Then, even after I found it...I just sat there...tears still dripping.
I'm happy I found my ring.
But the tears didn't stop immediately.

Like I said, it was one of those times...when I think there was just some pent up, built up emotion...and all it took was one little thing to set it off.

I cleaned myself up.
Thanked my hubs again.
And safely placed my beautiful pink chunky funky floral ring on the counter with my new mood ring.
Thanks God...I know it seems stupid.
But He knew how much I loved that ring and how much it meant to me.
I'm grateful He showed me JUST where to last time...before I gave up.

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