The older I get...the more set in my ways I become...and that's ok.
I believe that I try my best to base all of my morals, ethics, and life decisions on my relationship with Christ.
I want the way I parent my children...
To be based on the Bible.
The kind of wife I am...
To be based on the Bible.
The kind of friend I am...
To be based on the Bible.
Just lately...
It seems I have seen and been a part of so many different heated topics.
Some really don't add up to a pile of beans.
They honestly mean nothing in the grand scheme of things...
But then, what does? Unless we're talking about our salvation, right?
I mean...
There's the hot topics with parenting...
Breastfeeding or formula feeding.
Co-sleeping or using a crib.
Attachment parenting or cry it out method.
Natural childbirth or epidural/pain relief.
When to potty train.
How to discipline.
Preschool or not.
I mean seriously...
Does it really matter?
Who cares?
The ONLY person that should care...
Is the parent of THAT child.
And NO ONE else.
And you know what...
It's not our place...
To decide what's best for other parents and their children!
I think we all do the best we can.
We all love our children and want what's best for them.
So, why do we care what other parents are doing with their children?
We shouldn't!
Then there are other heated topics...
I have never seen so many "so called christians" act so un-Christ-like when politics come up!
I won't even get started on how many "friends" and "family" members I had who were totally bashing not only our president, but also other political figures.
Maybe we need to be reminded of the scripture where the Bible tells us:
1 Timothy 2:1-4 (New International Version)
1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
We are instructed in the word to PRAY for those in authority over us!
It doesn't say PRAY FOR THE REPUBLICANS...or PRAY FOR THE quite simply says...
I think that includes everyone.
And we can also include not only politicians, but teachers, pastors, bosses, ANYONE who has a position of authority!
Then there's the other heated topics...
We could go on and on all day...
On and on and on.
We as christians...instead of ARGUING...should be praying.
If we want to calmly discuss...
But we have to be careful.
I have learned first hand that even when we think we are 'discussing'...
Feelings can be hurt...
And those we "discuss" with.
Be set in your ways.
I think it's a good thing personally.
Be set in the things of the Lord.
We can be open to new friends...
New activities...
New hobbies...
We can listen to others opinions, advice, etc.
But stand strong and grounded in the word of the Lord.
Don't be intimidated.
Though we may be called "close-minded" or "politically incorrect"...
That's OK!
I would rather be "all good" in the eyes of the Lord...
Than to crumble and be weak...
Just to look "all good" in the eyes of the world.
We are not called to "fit in".
We SHOULD stand out!
If we don't stand out as christians...
Then something is TERRIBLY wrong with how we are living our christian walk.
Be bold!