
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My day at a you care! LOL!

So, since I will be spending less time on'll be getting more of me in here! LOL! Maybe. Well, that's not the idea...the idea is to be getting more done around the house, accomplished in my life, and spend more time with everyone around me. LOL! So today...I made some cookies for the boys. A small batch. They were actually half of a "brownie-cookie bar" mix that we had bought. Jamie had started to make them and decided they were too much trouble to "mix" he only made the brownie half that night. So today...I decided I'd take the other "half" of the bar mix (chocolate chip cookie mix) and make up what cookies I could with it. Well, all the mix called for was butter and water. Well, my butter was a bit too hard still...yet I had already added it to the I thought, "I'll just put it in the micro for a couple seconds"...not even thinking about the chocolate chips melting! LOL! So...instead of a regular chocolate chip cookie...we had melted chips...thus making the whole cookie chocolate. LOL! That's ok. They were yummy all the same and no one minded! LOL!
I also made a pound cake. I had the mix in my cupboard for a while and had been craving it, yet never made the time to make it. Half is gone already! So...yes it is good!

I got a bunch of freebies in the mail today...gotta love my freebies! Got a Martha Steward Living magazine, a Shirley J Universal Sauce Mix, and some kind of face and eye cream (I forget the name of it). Oh! And my Starbucks gift card came today! I finally redeemed some of my Swagbucks for a gift card! Yea! If you don't do Swagbucks...ask me how! By searching the internet through their site (powered by google) you earn "virtual bucks" and can redeem them for prizes!

Oh yeah...I also got a sample of Frizz-Ease shampoo, conditioner, and hair serum as well!

I think we're gonna order out tonight. Was planning to make Chicken Spaghetti, but forgot to thaw and precook the night.
Guess that's all for now!

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