Ok...so I've been in a reflective mood lately. Not my usual silly, couponing, crazy writings.
Just wanted to take a minute to say how grateful I am for everything I have been blessed with.
I would never have dreamed how amazing my life would have turned out.
It's not perfect by any means.
But I have a great hubby.
Two awesome sons.
An adorable cat.
A nice home.
A great school district for my kids.
A wonderful home church.
A dependable car.
A job that pays the bills.
Things aren't perfect.
Money is tight.
The boys fight.
Hubby and I argue.
I have to scoop the cat's litter box. LOL!
Things need repairs or replacing.
That's life.
But who would have thought I'd have met such a great guy.
One who refuses to ask for directions and questions mine (even though I have a good sense of direction).
One who is always running late (but thinks it's me and the boys that cause it).
One who takes over when I am cooking (be my guest).
We are so different.
I love dressing up.
He'd live in sweats (and pretty much does).
I love trying new ma and pa restaurants and cafes.
He loves chain/franchise restaurants that are tried and true.
I'm not a sports nut.
He is.
We're so different.
But so alike.
In all the things that matter.
He would do anything for me and the boys...and does.
Anything to make our life better than the one he had growing up.
I thank God for him.
And those boys...oh those boys...
I never thought I would love having boys so much!
I always thought I'd want at least one little girl.
But I think even if someone said I could "HAVE" one more child of my choice...I think I'd pick another boy!
We have so much fun.
They are so wonderful.
They are well-behaved, respectful, caring, kind, hard-working, empathetic.
That's what everyone tells me.
Yes...at home they fight, mouth off, leave their toys out, have messy rooms, eat too much junk, etc.
But we are a family.
And I wouldn't trade my life with anyone for anything!!!