
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Walgreens this week...

Well, it wasn't a huge shopping trip...but I did get some good deals this week at Walgreens. The best of the best...

Kleenex...Buy 1, Get 1 Free Sale...Buy 6 and get a $3.00 RR...used two 50 cent coupons...ended up paying 33 cents a piece.

Colgate Toothpaste...On sale for $2.99...Get a $2.00 RR...use a $1.00 coupon...Better than FREE!

Children's Tylenol Cold...On sale for $4.99...Buy two get $5.00 RR...use a coupon for $3.00 off 2...and also $1.00 off 50 cents a piece.

Reach Floss...On sale for 99 cents...used a $1.00 coupon...Better than FREE!

Edcedrin...Used my mail in coupon and got it for FREE!

Twizzlers...On sale for $1.34...Sorry, I had a craving, LOL!

My total:

Spent: $18.70
Saved: $21.82

And this didn't include using my Register Rewards...I did NOT use them today. I still have $10.00 in Register Rewards from today to use towards next week's trip!

So technically if I'd have been able to use them today I'd have only spent $8.70!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

My online sisters...

I would like to pray...that I am ALWAYS the kind of friend to people, that I have always dreamed of having.
To always be there...
With a listening ear...
A shoulder to cry on...
I want them to feel comfortable always coming to me...sharing anything that they are celebrating...struggling with...crying over...

I don't want to be the friend that...
Is just an acquaintence...
Someone they'll say, "Oh my friend Melody..."
But we have never shared secrets...
We've never been silly together...
We've never cried for each other...
We've never prayed for one another...
I don't want to get so busy...
That we can never take time for one another.

No one...
No one...
No one...
...understands some of the friendships I have.
I have some of the most amazing online friends.
Not just people I "chat" with or "send messages to."
I have girlfriends online from various "spots" (mommy sites, local groups, career support groups, etc.)...
And we have been friends...some of us...for as many as 5 or more years.
Yet some people don't "get it".
"How" they say "can you be friends with someone you've never met face to face?"
They seem to think that if you can't "see" a person with your eyes, you can't trust don't really know them.
I'm here to tell you...the girls I've bonded with over the years...we not only "chat", "post", "message", and "e-mail" each other.
We call each other on the phone.
We check on each other.
We exchange letters, cards, photos, and gifts.
We know EVERYTHING about each other.
Yes...there have been some "bad seeds" we've weeded out over the years.
You can't trust everyone.
You have to be very careful.
But I'm here to say...
My best friends are the ones I've never actually gotten to meet face to face.

Most people can't understand the connection.
Maybe it's because they feel the need to "see" someone physically.
I don't know.
I've tried the face to face thing.
For me personally...
It just doesn't pan out.
You make plans...
They cancel.
You call them...
They don't return your calls.
I've had too many empty promises.
But my online "sisters"...
I know I can get online when I'm upset...
And one of them is there for me to talk me through a problem.
One of them will pray with me over a struggle.
One of them will "virtual hug" me when I need it.
One of them will rejoice when I celebrate.
One of them will act silly with me when I'm goofy.
I get honesty.
I get dependability.
I get love.
I get loyalty.
Personally...I think God placed these individual girls in my life.
It "works" for me.
It "works" for them.
We are ALWAYS there for each other.
When we don't see each other online...
One of us is calling each other to check on us.
For those of you who think it's crazy...
It's not real...
Don't feel sorry for us...
It works for us.
We love each other.
We've been there for each other for years.
I consider my online sisters whom I've never seen face to face...
(you know who you are)
I am eternally grateful for God bringing you all into my life!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dental Health Month at daycare...

I had to share these.
I love these giant toothbrushes.
Every year I make these with my daycare kids during Dental Health Month because I think they're so darn cute.
Granted I have some little ones who can't quiet do all the cutting themself and I end up doing alot of the work on this project...I still think it's a neat project for them to do because it has a toothbrushing chart on it. At least they were able to decorate/color their toothbrush. I always give them a strip of stickers to start with. They seemed to enjoy making them. Here's to no cavities!
Happy brushing kiddos!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Open mouth, insert foot...yes I'll admit it...I'm hooked on Twilight!

Yes...I guess the time has come for me to admit it. I have been sucked into the "Twilight" zone. I said no. I refused. I thought it looked stupid. I mean seriously...vampires and werewolves? Really. I have better things to do than read about and watch movies with monsters in them.

And although I love a good romantic movie or book...I could just not get past the vampire aspect of it. Everyone said, "Oh, that's just a small part of's mostly an awesome love story!" Still...I refused. I wouldn't budge.

Then the movie came to one of our movie channels on tv. I walk into the bedroom and my husband is sitting there watching it. "WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING?" I demanded to know. "Come watch it with me..." he says to me. I couldn't believe he was watching it. So I sat down with the laptop on checking my mail and facebook...sortof watching it with him. Well then it came on again the next night and he watched it again. "Watch it with me..." he says. So I finally did. I have to admit, I liked it. And I watched it again the next time it came on. I have to admit...if IS a really good love story. I shared this with my friends whom all said to me, "You HAVE to get the books now!" I doubted I would read them...the movies were enough. one good friend shared how much more was in the books that explained so much more than the movie did. So dear hubby went out and got the first two books for us over Valentine's weekend. He FLEW through the first book and started the second as I gradually made my way through the first. He then finished the second and I started it...he HAD to have the third. So out we went again looking for the best deal around town. LOL! We have three of the four now...and he's almost done with the I assume we'll be making another trip out soon for the fourth and final book. He is making plans in his head, "How can we arrange to see the second movie? Shall we go see it now or wait for dvd?" He has become more addicted to it than I have. He can quote the movie, LOL! We carry on a conversation and he'll jokingly somehow relate it to Twilight or throw in a line from the movie. He is a nut. LOL! So yes...I have been sucked in...hook, line, and sinker. I am officially a "Twilight Addict". LOL!

Monday, February 22, 2010

My bargain shopper Nate!

Nate always likes to go with me when I do my weekly Walgreens run.
Well, now that he and Ev have their paper route, they have some extra spending money. We're trying to teach them to save, give, and spend wisely.
So, yesterday we're at Walgreens...and anyone who knows Nate...knows he LOVES stuffed animals of any kind...Webkinz, Build-A-Bear, Beanies, whatever.
So we see their Easter merchandise has arrived and they have these cute little gift bags stuffed with Lil Kinz for $6.99. It was a hard decision for Nate. He was just torn on what to do. He wanted it so bad. It was a cute little bunny. I told him, "You never know...maybe you'll find one in your Easter basket!" He said, "That's a long time to wait mom." LOL! So I said, "Well they're going to have them for a while, why don't you just wait this week and we'll think about it some more." I could tell he wanted to wait, yet wanted to buy it, yet was so conflicted. Well as we walked, we came across the Valentine's Day things that were on 50% clearance. He found ONE, and only ONE Valentine's Day Lil Kinz in a gift bag...just like the Easter ones except it was a poodle in a bag. He said, "Is this one 50% off?" I somehow doubted it because it was actually a Webkinz and I thought they were only marking the generic Valentine's Day things off...but we checked...and sure enough, it was clearanced at $2.99!!! Woohoo! So that made Nate's mind up! He got his cute little poodle and named him "Poodley", LOL!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

This week at Walgreens!

My goal is usually to never spend more than $20.00 a week at Walgreens...but since there was nothing good and I didn't go last week...I feel ok about spending more this week...kinda all balanced out in the end. AND...I TOTALLY stocked up on several things!
Here was the best of the best...
Tylenol Cold...on sale for $ 2 and get $3.00 RR...use a $2.00 coupon on only $1.49 each!
Triaminic...on sale for $ 2 and get $5.00 in RR...use a $1.50 coupon on only $1.00 each.
Excedrin Menstrual...on sale for $2.50...get $2.00 RR...use a $2.00 coupon...BETTER THAN GAIN $1.50!!!
Glade candles...on sale for $2.50...use a Buy 2 Save $3.00 only $1.00 each.
Trident Layers Gum...on sale for 99 cents...use a 75 cent only 24 cents.
Mentos Gum...on sale for 99 cents...use a 55 cent only 44 cents.
Excedrin Headache...on sale for $2.50...use a $2.00 only 50 cents.
Charmin...on sale for $3.49...use a $1.00 $2.49.
Soft Soap...on sale for 99 cents...used a 35 cent just 64 cents.
Cover Girl Make-Up...Buy 1 at $6.99, Get the 2nd for $3.50...also used a $1.00 off coupon...making it $5.99 for the first...combined a Buy 1 Get 1 FREE coupon...soooo...I was getting both for $5.99...but they still credited me $3.50 for the I came out AHEAD of them on that one! :) (I know that sounded really confusing, but I made $3.50 on them, LOL!)
Cover Girl Concealor...Buy 1 at $4.99, Get the 2nd for $2.50...used a $1.00 off one...and a $2.50 off two coupon...paid just $2.00 each.
Those were the best of the best. Got a good deal on some candy and Pepsi too. Nate ended up finding a great deal in their clearanced Valentine section. He found a darling little Webkinz in a cute little gift bag regular $5.99 on sale for $2.99! Yay Natee!
My tally:
$116.82 worth of merchandise
$41.30 spent
$75.52 saved

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Busy week w/ the boys

Well, let's face with kids is always busy. But it seems we've been going non-stop this week and I'm ready to just crash this weekend. Yes, that's right...sleep in and just sit on my butt and do nothing!
Evan had his "job shadow" this week for his Choices (career) class at school this week. His shadow was at the veterinary hospital here in town. There were three patients while he was there. He watched a surgery...a dog came in to get neutered. And I do think Evan excused himself to the restroom during part of it, LOL! Then there was a kitty there to be declawed. She was having some "issues" after her procedure and he was allowed to help pet and soothe her, which he loved. Then there was a 16 year old cat who was ill that came in to be examined. I think he had a good visit. And although he loves animals and loves working with animals...he has decided he loves working with them more on the "rescue level" and not the "veterinary" level. So it was a good experience. He is thinking culinary school is still in his veterinary plans for Evan.

Both of the boys had their dental check-ups this week. Nate on Monday and Evan on Tuesday. Neither of them had any cavities and I was very excited about that. Evan does have three baby teeth that need to be extracted though...his adult teeth came in "next to" them instead of below them and pushing them out. So...we have a referral to an oral surgeon. And of course our plan doesn't cover oral surgery, so somehow we'll have to figure out how to fit that into the budget. Oh joy.
Of course there was church/Royal Rangers on Wednesday. And then I also have another "situation" I had to deal with, with the business this week. It never ends...ya know. There's always something. But we shall see how that turns out. For now I have a knot in my stomach and a stress'll keep ya posted on that one.
Until next time...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


As I sat and watched American Idol tonight...I think I answered a lifelong question of mine.
I sat and watched these kids who didn't make it cry and weep and get so upset.
And I thought, "Move's a reality show."
But for some, I know it's's their only shot of possibly making it big.
Singing is their passion.
I only WISH I had that same kind of passion for something...anything...
I can play the piano...and I wish I was better...but do I have the drive to practice and do what it takes to be better?
I can scrapbook...but my pages are simple...laid out...journaled...but nothing fancy.
I can stamp...but my cards are plain...where is the creativity?
I can knit on my looms...but I always seem to drop at least one stitch.
I can do alot...but I can't do any one thing GOOD.
I like doing all those things...but maybe I'm not good at any of them because I don't have the "passion" for them?
So, am I supposed to ask myself what I REALLY want to be passionate about?
I don't know.
I've always wanted to play the violin.
I've always wanted to learn cake decorating.
But then I step back in fear.
Fear that those things will just be another thing I add to my list of "so-so" things that I can do.
I suppose I need to really get it together.
Find something.
I need something.
Something for ME.
Something JUST for ME!
I don't know if I have the money to put into a violin and the lessons.
Cake decorating I would LOVE to learn.
And to be able to make cakes for people as well!
That would be awesome.
But I just don't know if I have any creative juices in my body.
Like I said, I can do a little of this, and a little of that.
I just putz and dabble.
It's very frustrating.
I keep searching.
And until I find my passion...
I keep searching.

A good week of savings...

I didn't blog about my savings last week...they were "ok"...but by far not my I "forgot" to post. LOL! I only like sharing my really good weeks, LOL!
Well, I did pretty good this week.
I haven't been going to WalMart on a regular basis. I've learned that our WalMarts here in the good old north, just aren't as inexpensive as those in the good old south! LOL! But alas, on some things...their Everyday Low Prices can't be beat. Like today, I got...
The Good Life cat food...$4.48...used a coupon for $2.00 off...paid $2.48. I had several coupons so I got two bags. That's all "spoiled" Oreo will eat anymore, and for those of you who remember my previous post, I don't think he realizes I've been "supplementing" Cat Chow (cheap) to his favorite food, LOL!
Tornados...$2.00...used a $1.00 coupon...paid $1.00.
Breakstone's sour cream...$1.38...55 cent coupon...paid 83 cents.
Bordens Single Sensations...$1.88...$1.00 coupon...paid 88 cents.
I didn't figure all my savings/spending yet...WalMart doesn't break it down like Meijer does. But it was definitely a good trip. :)
And then moving over to Meijer...
Party Mix cat treats...$1.42...used a $1.00 coupon...and a Buy 1 Get 1 Free coupon...paid 21 cents a piece!!! Did this TWICE because I had multiple coupons, so I got four bags at 21 cents a piece!
Kotex...$2.99...Meijer promo. Buy 2 Get 1 I used a Save $2.00 on 2 I paid $1.33 a piece!
Kotex...$1.09...Meijer promo. Buy 2 Get 1 I used a Save $1.50 on 2 coupon...paid 23 cents a piece!
Fruit Roll Ups...was $2.39...on sale for $1.50...$1.00 on 2 MM...$1.00 on 2 man. coupon...paid 50 cents a piece.
Those were some of my favs...there were lots more...
My final tally was...
Spent: $38.26
Saved: $43.30

Friday, February 12, 2010


The babies got haircuts the other day.
They love wearing their hair super short...
We are so bad at getting in there on a regular basis and they tend to get a little shaggy (thank goodness the shaggy look is still around too, lol).
But, here they are sporting their new looks.
I think they're pretty darn handsome...but I may be a little biased. LOL!

Where's Oreo?

Forgot to share this the other day when it happened...

I was taking clothes out of the dryer and folding/hanging them...

When the doorbell rang.

I walked away for maybe 30 seconds.

Came back to the laundry room, went to grab a towel out of the dryer and out of the corner of my eye saw something move!

Holy crud!

Oreo had jumped into the dryer...I'm sure the warmness drew him in.

He scared me to death!

There he was just sitting there. LOL!

Jamie said, "It's a good thing you saw him and didn't just close the door and start it up again!"


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Best Friends Forever...

I waited...
And I waited...
I thought there was something wrong with me.
Why was I always alone?
I watched other girls go through multiple relationships, broken hearts, and huge life changing mistakes that would change the course of their life forever.
I tried filling my life with "friendships"...girlfriends...
But even those seemed to fail.
I put more into the friendship.
They didn't need me.
Many moved away.
Two passed away.
But now I know.
Waiting the first twenty years of my life was nothing in the scope of things.
And even now...
As I sometimes get down about not having a best gal-pal...
I know who to always turn to.
I say I won't open myself up to another failed friendship.
But I think the human side of us always will because we all long for not only our spouse, but for just a best pal.
And so I try again...
It never fails...
Just as I think I've found a great girlfriend...
And sometimes it even lasts years...
They fade away.
It's not instantaneously.
But more gradual.
They slowly fade out of your life.
Many times I don't even think THEY realize it.
Or maybe they do and it doesn't matter to them?

I always come back to this...
I waited for a reason.
God hand picked my husband to be my best friend.
And although he's not REALLY interested in fashion, nailpolish, hairstyles, and dainty lunches...
He'll come along for the ride.
He'll help me pick out clothes. Tell my which color he likes. What style he prefers. And eat a "cup of soup and half a sandwich" at a cafe because I like it.
He'll pick up my magazines and read an article, LOL...and say, "Ya know, your magazine says..." LOL!
What more could a girl REALLY ask for?
I mean seriously, do you know many "big 'ol burly, manly-man, football lovin' pizza consuming, sports talkin' guys" who will sit and talk handbags and stilletos with you?
Yes, I think God hand picked him just for me.
And in turn, I will sit and eat pizza, "watch" football, baseball, listen to him talk sports, politics, and more and TRY really hard to be interested.
Because he does so much for me.
We will never "completely" understand everything about each other...because he's a man and I'm a woman.
But we do our best to stay interested in each other's passions.
And although we are completely opposite on the outside and most of our interests...
We share the exact SAME feelings on everything that matters.
Parenting, finances, christianity, and life in general.
The next time I get discouraged about the lack of gal-pals in my life...I remind myself of the wonderful, awesome guy that God hand-picked for me.
We're not only best friends...
We're comitted to each other FOREVER...
Till death do us part...
No question about it...
Never ever ever leavin' each other's side...
Stuck with each other!
And the best thing about my BFF...I get to fall asleep in his big strong arms each night.
I think I'll take that any day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

West Michigan Mommy "Disney On Ice"

West Michigan Mommy is giving away family four packs to Disney Live On Ice!
Check it out!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

My b-day...

Saturday...February 6 was my birthday...woohoo! Ok...maybe not "woo-hoo". It's not quite the same as when you're a kid and get a party with tons of presents, balloons and streamers, games, cake & ice cream, and everyone treats you like princess for a day. But it was nice...none the birthdays go. LOL! My sister invited the whole fam over to celebrate my and mom's birthday. We had a nice time. Here's the boys having some yummies.
We had a yummy dinner of pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, heavenly hash cake, and icecream cakes. Here's Raegan and Jess getting ready for dessert.

We had homemade sister's recipe...of course topped off w/ whipped cream and cinnamon! Here's Evan and papa enjoying some coffee.

And lastly, the birthday and my momsie! We had a great evening. And us girls even got to talk coupons for several hours! Woohoo! What could be better than ending your evening talking coupons! LOL!


This week I did two separate transactions so I could use my Register Rewards immediately. I think I'll be doing that more often instead of waiting week to week. The budget is getting tighter!
Here were my deals...

Dove Mens Body Wash...$5.99...$5.99 Register Rewards...$1.25 man. coupon...FREE PLUS $1.25!!!

Gillette Fusion Power Razor...on sale for $8.99...$4.00 Register Rewards...$4.00 coupon...paid 99 cents.

Schick Quatro Razor...on sale for $5.99...used a $3.00 coupon...$1.00 Register Reward...paid $1.99.

Kotex...on sale for $3.00...Buy 2 and get $3.00 Register Rewards...used a $2.00 off 2 man. coupon...paid 50 cents a piece!

My finally tally on that order:
Spent: $17.34
Saved: $17.13

My second order...

Suavitel Fabric Softener...$2.79...Buy one get one free!...aprx. $1.40 each.

Lindsay Olives...on sale for 99 cents...used a $1.00 off 2 man. coupon...paid 49 cents each.

Quilted Northern TP...regular $4.29...on sale for $3.99...used $1.00 man. coupon...paid $2.99.

Post Grape Nuts Cereal...on sale for $1.99...used a $2.00 coupon...FREE!

Walgreens A-Z Vitamins...$11.99...BOGO!

Walgreens Vit. C...$6.99...BOGO!

(We always stock up on vitamins when they have their BOGO sales!)

Then I had to get some Zyrtec and Valentines for my Register Rewards came in handy purchasing those!

My final tally was:
Spent: $25.84
Saved: $44.29

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Good 'Ol Days...

As I look around my home...
I see the never-ending baskets and hamper full of laundry that is always being worked on...
I see the endless piles of mail that sit on my kitchen counter...
I see the dust bunnies on my tables that refuse to go away...
I see the spots that magically appear (more and more) on my carpet each day...
I see my stove-top that needs to (yet again) be scrubbed...
And more...
I walk into other people's spotless and seemingly perfect homes...where everything has a place (sigh)...
Sure, mine looks good when we have guests.
But why can't I keep up with it during the week?
(Well maybe it's the 55 hour workweek and a family to tend to.)
I'm always thinking...
We need new carpet.
We need new tile.
It would be nice to upgrade out kitchen.
But then...
I think back to the days when we were first married...
And life was so simple.
We lived in an old house apartment.
It was tiny.
It was really ugly...teeheehee!
Wood panel in the living room, orange carpet, cracked linoleum in the bathroom, and hilariously ugly kitchen cabinets.
It didn't matter.
We were happy in our little cozy ugly apartment, LOL!
We upgraded!
To the 1950s apartment building around the corner!
We hit the big time! LOL!
A nice little two bedroom apartment.
Well maintained.
Very nice looking for it's age.
And we were happy.
Then we took the job at the bed & breakfast.
We has our little residence in the inn.
It was lovely...but it was temporay...somewhere we could never raise a family in.
We relocated with our jobs.
We got an apartment built in the late 80s/early 90s.
It was lovely!
Then there were THREE!
Along came baby!
So we bought a mobil home.
We needed the space.
It was great...all that space.
But a monster to unload when...
A real house.
We had it made.
But then...
School districts.
We had to start thinking about where our little one would go to school.
We moved again.
Got our CURRENT home where we are still living.
It's a lovely home.
But I am always thinking (and stressing) about what else needs to be done to it.
How it's always needing things done to update, repair, and "make it better".
Some days I look back to our "ugly little apartment" days.
Life was so simple then.
I was so happy.
I never cared about what I had or didn't have.
I'm still happy.
But I find myself stressing so much of the times.
Always trying to perfect my home.
Why do we do that?
The Bible tells us "in EVERYTHING give thanks".

We are to give thanks.
Not constantly be stressing on how to make things better or want more.
Lord, help us all to be happy and thankful for what we have.
Help us to keep our priorities straight.
God and family first.

Pizza Buns

We made these tonight for Super Bowl Sunday. We got the recipe from our dear friend Jenna MANY years ago. And as much as we love these, we never make them for dinner...I guess we seem to only think of them as "fun food". So they generally only pop up for special occasions. So I thought I'd share the recipe. Sorry...I didn't think to take a picture when I made them. But here we go...

Pizza Buns

2 lbs ground beef, browned/drained
1 small package pepperoni, diced
1 small onion, diced
1 small can/jar green olives, sliced (or black if you prefer)
1 can/jar pizza sauce
1 package (2 cup) mozerella cheese
1 package hamburger buns

Preheat oven to 350. In large bowl, mix ground beef, pepperoni, onion, olives, and pizza sauce.
Open buns and place each half on baking sheet.
Spoon meat mixture onto each bun.
Top w/ cheese.
Bake in oven until toasty.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Chicken Spaghetti

I found this recipe in my Woman's Day magazine...but it originates from a blog I've become interested in called "The Pioneer Woman". These are her photos as well from her blog...I cannot take credit for those. You can check out her blog at:
We are planning to try this recipe sounds delicious!
Chicken Spaghetti
1 cut up chicken
1 lb thin spaghetti, broken into 2 in. pieces
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
2 1/2 c. shredded cheddar
1 small onion, finely diced
1/4 c. finely diced green bell pepper
1 jar 4 oz. pimientos, drained
1 tsp seasoned salt
freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/8 to 1/4 tsp cayenne cayenne pepper, to taste
Heat oven to 350. Add the chicken to a stockpot. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer until the chicken is cooked, about 25 minutes.
Remove the chicken from the water using tongs or a slotted spoon and set aside on a plate to cool.
Remove 2 c. broth from the pot and set aside. Bring the remaining broth back to a boil and add the spaghetti. Cook until al dente. Drain it and set aside.
With two forks remove the chicken from the bones. Shred or cut into bite size pieces.
Place the cooked spaghetti in a large bowl. Add the cream of mushroom soup and 2 cups of shredded cheddar. Then add the onion, green pepper, and pimiento. Add the seasoned salt, black pepper. Take it easy on the cayenne if you can't handle the heat. But if you can, it sure adds some interest to the dish.
Add the chicken and broth. Stir together well, then taste to check the seasonings.
Pour the mixture into a large baking dish and top with the remaining 1/2 cup cheddar. Bake for 35-45 minutes until bubbly.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Marvelous Meijer!!!

I had a marvelous trip to Meijer this week! It's funny how sometimes you're grabbing things off the shelves and you see things start piling think, "Uh-oh...I bet I'm spending alot!" And as I watched my cashier scan things, the tally kept growing and growing...WAAAAAY higher than I expected! BUT!!!...when she scanned all my coupons, it kept going down...down...down...and by the end she said to me, "WOW! That's amazing! What a good bargain!" LOL! Yes, yes indeed! What a good trip it was! Here are the best of the best this week...

Kraft Shredded Cheese...on sale $1.67 a bag...get $1.00 off instantly when you buy three...I purchased 6...used a $1.00 off two for each set of got my $1.00 off for purchasing three...paid right around $1.00 a bag.

McCormick Seasoning Packets...on sale for 50 cents a packet...used a MMB coupon for $1.00 off four...paid 25 cents each.

Lipton Onion Soup Mix...was $1.49...on sale for 99 cents...used a 50 cents coupon...paid 49 cents.

Pop Secret Popcorn...regular $1.54...on sale for $1.29...used a man. coupon for $1.00 off two (on both sets)...and also a MMB for $1.00 off four...paid 54 cents each.

Nabisco Crackers...regular $2.22...on sale for $1.88...bought three and used a $1.00 off man. coupon on each...and also a $1.00 off three MMB coupon...paid right around 55 cents a box.

I Can't Believe It's Not Butter...regular $2.08...on sale for $1.50...used a $1.00 man. coupon...paid 50 cents.

Philly Cream Cheese...regular $1.74...on sale for $1.25...used a $1.00 on four man. coupon...and a $1.00 on three MMB coupon...paid 75 cents each.

Eckrich Franks...regular $1.96...on sale for $1.25...used a $1.00 on three MMB coupon and paid 92 cents each.

Johnsonville Brats...regular $3.99...on sale for $3.00...used a 55 cent man. coupon...and a $1.00 MMB coupon...paid $1.45.

Those were the best of the best.

My grand total was:

Spent: $69.41

Saved: $77.75


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

That which doesn't kill us...makes us stronger...

Well, it's been quite a week at the James house.
It started off wonderful.
Sunday evening, we went down to Kalamazoo and dropped the boys off at Geeg and Papa's house while we went out for a nice birthday dinner with friends at Texas Roadhouse. We enjoyed our evening...good food, good friends. And of course the boys had a blast w/ Geeg and Papa playing cards, Farkle, watching movies, and snacking.
The drama started when we picked them up, Nate's eye had starting "oozing"/crusting up a bit.
GREAT...I think.
Pink eye.
I know it well.
He's had it before...several times.
So we go home and discover we had some drops left from last time that were still well within their expiration date. So we started him immediately on drops because being a Sunday night we wouldn't be able to talk to the dr. until Monday morning.
I called the school and told them Nate wouldn't be in due to pink eye.
Called the dr. (they won't see pink eye cases because it's so contagious) and they called in some drops for him.

So we get him established on drops and he starts looking better...hoping he will go to school on Tuesday.
It was a crazy dinner...then Evan had...

Tell me my baby is not going to high school next year!
Tell me that "I" am not that old!
So, I took him and Jamie stayed home w/ Nate so we didn't expose anyone else to pink eye.
Well, the oozing and crusties went away, but he woke up today still very we kept him home one more day to be safe. It's starting to look much better now. Two full days on drops...he should be good to go now.
Well it just couldn't be complete without Oreo doing something stupid. That crazy cat...I tell everyone God must have known that I would love him unconditionally because he is so dumb sometimes and does such naughty things at times...yet I just can't help but love and adore that crazy animal! :)
He had an "accident" on the floor. I don't know what that was about. I don't know if it was truely an "accident" or if he was mad and just went.
Thankfully we have some amazing cleaning agents and a carpet shampooer so all is well there.
Life just couldn't be easy though...
As if it weren't enough...
I am having issues w/ a client.
Won't go into it...but things are not good between us.
In fifteen years of childcare and early education, I have had nothing but glowing reports, incredibly happy clients, and awesome referrals.
100% satisfaction.
But we are parting ways...thankfully.
As they always say...
"That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger."
"With age comes wisdom."
I guess I am becoming really strong...
And really wise...
Because I have had enough junk this week (and it's only Tuesday) for a lifetime, LOL!
But I can do all things who Christ who gives me strength.
I will never stoop to other people's level.
I will continue to handle things with kindness and grace.
Upward and onward!