"It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do,
for which we are accountable."
Parenting doesn't come with a manual...even if it did, I doubt I would follow it. When we decide to bring a child into the world, we are required to do our best to ensure that our children are safe and healthy...not to mention a long list of other things.
Something that I struggle with on a daily basis is hearing other people's input on my parenting.
For some reason, other people feel they have the right to "let me know" HOW I parent my child.
I know that my child won't always agree with the decisions I make for him...and I really don't care...because that's just part of growing up. He will learn as he grows and matures that every decision I made for him was based on his well-being, health, and safety.
What really irks me though, is all the people that feel the need to "let me know" that "it's ok for them to do that", "they'll be fine", "I'll keep an eye on them, don't worry", "you should let them do it", "what's it gonna hurt" and all the other lines I hear.
First an foremost...
If I make unintelligent, uninformed, stupid decisions that affect my child in a negative way...I am accountable to God.
That is why we should pray about our parenting decisions and not listen to all those who feel the need to "let us know" their input on our parenting decisions.
Please, let me pray about it and decide.
We should NEVER gossip, talk about, tear down, or belittle someone on their decisions when they feel they are making the best possible choice for their child's well-being.
Here's a thought...
Don't interfere.
It's hard.
I know.
Especially in the field I work in...I see parenting choices every day where I just cringe...but ya know what...if that child is loved, nurtured, and taken care of...IT'S NONE OF MY BUSINESS...whether I agree with them or not. I have to butt out.
We all need to take a lesson in that.
But sometimes people just feel the need to "let us know" and give their input.
Sometimes I make a parenting choice that I feel is best for my child. They don't like it. Other people in my life may think it's silly or dumb because I made that choice. But again...I am answering to God. I will always make the best choice I can to keep my child safe and healthy.
Can he take risks...sure.
But he needs to be "taught" that in life, we have to weigh and calculate risks.
And "I" as his parent have to be the judge of "do I feel he's READY to weigh the risks"...and "do I feel he's mature enough to make good solid decisions".
We can't just do things because "everyone else is".
Sometimes I think people want to drag others along in situations so that they feel validated in the choices they make for their children/family.
I'm sorry.
I don't do that.
I won't give in to that pressure.
I answer to God for the choice I make.
Who do YOU answer to?
"Accountability breeds response-ability."
Stephen R. Covey
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3 days ago
Awesome post, Melody! Amen and Amen!!!!!!!!!