It's beautiful.
It's warm...almost too warm...in my opinion...for fall.
We're getting these 60-70 degree days...IN MICHIGAN no less.
Crazy, isn't it!
With it...
We're getting this whole new "hatching" of ladybugs.
And it's not the pretty little red ones.
It's the ugly oranges one.
And it's not just a few.
And I'm not exaggerating.
They are literally everywhere.
They are all over the outside of the house.
They're on the plants.
They're on the dumpster.
They're on the outdoor toys.
You can't even walk in the house without doing a "ladybug check" as Jamie calls it.
We do have one thing going for us.
Oreo (our cat) is really good at killing them.
I just scoop them up and toss them back outside...I let them live.
Jamie thinks that defeats the purpose because they'll just come back in.
But, I have a hard time killing a non-biting, non-offensive bug.
They're not THAT bad to look at.
They're not as cute as the red ones.
But they're not bad.
They're just kindof a pain because...
No matter how non-offensive...ya just don't want bugs in your house.
Or at least, we don't.
But I guess we should stop complaining...soon the cold, bitter, frigid weather along with the snow will be here in all it's glory.
So...I guess I'll deal with the ladybugs...for now.
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