
Thursday, December 3, 2009

First snow of the season...

We all knew it was coming!
You started seeing the stakes, markers, and poles a couple weeks ago...and gradually there were more...and more...and more.
There are plastic ones, metal ones, wooden stakes. Some with fluorescent tips, some with reflectors.
Everyone was putting out their markers for the snowplows.
Yes...I think more than ever...people are putting them out this year.
Last year, the county TORE UP our yards!
And living on the corner...we not only have to worry about the county plow...but also the private guy who's hired to plow the school bus depot parking lot. He seems to think he can DUMP all the excess snow into OUR YARD.
He TORE UP our grass last year.
We've had sprinkler heads broken too.
So...Jamie went out to Home Depot and got some three foot wooden stakes, spray painted them fluorescent orange at the top and pounded them into the corner of our yard.
He won't tear up our yard with his plow this year.
I know Jamie has half a mind to jump him if he does, LOL!
But anywho...
Tonight we got our first snow.
The ground is covered and I'm sure we already have an inch or so.
It IS pretty...and I don't mind it near as much now that I work from home and don't have to drive in it each morning and evening! LOL!
I took the above picture from standing just outside our front door...not the best photo...but a few southern friends wanted to see our first snow. :)
Here's to a winter of completely plowed roads...hint hint Mr. County Guy!

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