
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This week...

This is our "million" piece, "million character" Disney puzzle! LOL! Nate has been addicted to this puzzle for as long as I can remember. It used to take him weeks to put it together when he was little...but he wouldn't give up! That's one thing about Nate...he NEVER gives up, till he gets something right! Well, then he got it down to a week...a few he puts it together in a day...sometimes within a couple hours, OR LESS! It's a really fun puzzle. It has all the old Disney charcters in it. All the traditional ones. It was mine when I was little.

Not alot else going on this week. Nate is back to school after being off yesterday. All the daycare kids are back.

I had two good SavingsAngel shopping trips this week. I already posted about my Walgreens trip. Meijer was good too...$125.55 worth of items for $74.32. Not my best or least expensive trip by far...but I got some really good deals. I have questioned my methods with SavingsAngel and wonder, "Am I still spending too much?" But then I look at it as, I'm spending WAAAAAY less than I was without it and I'm getting WAAAAAY more groceries! So YES, it is working! For example I used to spend around $130.00 a week on groceries. Even at $74.32 this week, that was a savings PLUS I got TONS of items! Honestly, it's getting to the point where I don't know WHERE to put everything! LOL! We are working on getting a freezer, but my bigger problem cupboard/cabinet space! LOL! I cleaned out my linen closet and only put what sheets and towels we use on a regular basis in there, freeing up four shelves. Well...IT'S FULL! LOL! Jamie keeps asking when I'm going to quit bringing home toothpaste. LOL! But how can I not, when it's anywhere from 25-75 cents?!?! LOL! And cereal...don't even get me started. I have 15 boxes of cereal! LOL! Seriously! But when cereal is anywhere from $3.00-4.00 a can I pass it up when it's $1.67?!?! You get the picture. I keep telling Jamie, "Well, if we ever fall on really hard times...we'll be prepared." LOL!


  1. I love reading about your grocery savings!! I feel the same can you pass up such a good deal?? I just got 2 packs of huggies diapers, a big bag of huggies wipes, two bags of hershey easter candy, two sets of easter chocolate bunnies,and a fleece jacket for less than $12 at wal-greens the other day! I was so thrilled and hubby was amazed at my thrifty skills...LOL! Gotta love it!

  2. Thanks for the puzzle reminder. I have an 8 year old boy and we love puzzles, it's been a while and I totally forgot about them. We also LOVE "all things Disney!" Your blog is really cute~
