
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Oh gosh mom"..."not cool"...

I guess it's official.
What every mom SHOULD expect...but dreads hearing.
"Oh gosh mom"..."not cool"...
Somehow your precious little bundle that you bring into this dependant on you...that you go through 8 hours of pain and agony in labor, lose sleep over (and not just those night time feedings...the teen years are another story altogether), you dote over, play with, and he thinks you are the best thing since sliced bread...
All of a sudden...
He morphs into this "thing" they call a teenager.
His feet are bigger than yours, you can fit into his clothes, he's as tall (almost taller) as you, and...and...and...
You go from these precious little conversations...
The very dreaded of all sentences...
"Oh gosh mom"..."not cool"...
What did I say?
What did I do?
I don't get it?
I try to stay fashionable/trendy.
I try to stay "with it".
I haven't let myself go.
I "thought" I was "with it"...probably more now than I was when I was his age, LOL!
Some of HIS friends are MY facebook friends.
Hey I even got my nose pierced for crying out loud! LOL!
But I have been informed...
That I am "mom"...
And...I've heard the phrases...
"That's not cool"..."That's not what kids do now"..."You don't get it"...
I'm not totally sad about it.
I guess that's what's to be expected.
I don't ever want to become the complete and total "friend" who doesn't "parent" their child.
I am VERY blessed that BOTH of my boys ALWAYS come to me with questions still.
They are very open. They tell me pretty much everything.
Well, I'm sure Evan doesn't tell me everything (Nate still does).
But Evan still shares his thoughts, feelings, and struggles with me.
And I can usually get him to open up about most things.
Friends, school, and usually...
Girls too! Teehee!
I'm sure this won't be the last time I'll hear it...
And I'll keep "trying" to stay "with it", fashionable, trendy, etc.
But I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
I have a good kid.
A kid who loves God.
A kid who gets good grades.
A kid who stands up for the underdog.
A kid with friends.
A kid with amazing talents and a vast scope of interests.
I'll take that...
Even if I have to withstand the...
"Oh gosh mom"..."not cool"...

1 comment:

  1. well, I thik you are a "kewl Kat"... tehehe... it was just Brandon & I for along time..after his Dad & I split but before I met Brian.. he has always been like my best friend.. we talk about " remember when ".. and shared so many good & bad times together. I have such an amazing connection with him.. I call him my "hero".. he saved me.. and he knows I love him.. even though I am not cool, I ground him, I make him do his homework, he sometimes forgets to text me good night.. he is usually wanting something.. sometimes I can't give it to him.. he's still the kids who handed me kleenex when I cried ( jacob does this now ) .. he's the kid who remembers coming to the hospital to watch scooby doo with Baby Brett.. he remembers.. and he knows.. that he is MY brandon..

    It's not the same when they turn into teens is it? I wish I could have kept him smaller a little longer but he's a GREAT older brother!

    You were ONLY in labor for 8 hours? JEALOUS!!
